Lamb of God

Upcoming Concerts...

Come join us for a journey through the last 25 years of musicals performed by Mount Harrison Heritage Foundation. We will be accompanying vocalists for a number of selections from broadway musicals. You won't want to miss it! 

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Meet our Guest Director

Douglas “Dusty” Fisher, Director of the Burley High School choir program and Administrator of the King Fine Arts Center, holds a M.A. in Choral Conducting from Eastman School of Music and a B.S. in Music Education from Alderson-Broaddus College. Dusty has taught in public schools for 21 years, 12 of which were here at BHS. He also has devoted additional time to clinician work, directing a variety of choirs and music teams, and directing musical theatre and other kinds of drama. His last notable contribution of musical theater to the Burley community was THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME, presented in conjunction with Mount Harrison.
Dusty and his two auditioned high school choirs, Bel Cantos and Bella Voce, traveled to Ireland last summer for a 10-day concert tour. While in Dublin and Belfast, Burley choir members performed a variety of works in both St. Patrick’s Cathedral and Ulster Hall. In January of this year, Fisher produced the musical, HONK, with Bel Cantos, and a trip to Washington D.C. is planned with members of both choirs for this May.

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